Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Post-Mother's Day Post

So for those of you that attended Soul on Sunday you would have heard my little bit of sharing. Thanks for the little cheer by the way. You made my day.

I know we have all had different life experiences and there wasn't enough time to hear everyone on Sunday. We'll do our own version of the 'Gerri show' blog-style! How high-tech : ) I am interested to hear how you would have responded to the questions asked on Sunday.

Here are a few of the questions asked on Sunday, as well as a few of my own. Pick one (or two)to answer. If there was one on Sunday that you'd prefer to tackle then go for it.

- How has your own mother impacted your life?
- How do you honor your mother?
- Do you see your mother in you? It what way(s)?
- Are there other women that have had influence in your life?
- How have you honored these women?


captivating said...

How have I honored my mother. . .
A few years ago, instead of sending a card or flower, for Mother's Day I wrote a letter. In this letter I told my mom how much I loved her and the many things about her I appreciated.

I believe I also apologized for being ungrateful and selfish. (especially in my late teens/early twenties)

Chris said...

My mom is a great influence on me, i think ive honored her by living a life in which i know she is proud of. Ive also been helping my mom a lot more around the house and i can tell she really appreciates it.

There are also many many other women who have impacted my life. I think that i honor them in many different ways, respecting all women, and just loving them and the way god created them all individually. If i see a character trait which i really admire in any of these people i try my best to live it out the way they do. Thats all i have to say for now...

Anonymous said...

hi all